
Friday, December 6, 2019

Spanish Learning

Spanish Learning 
This past two weeks we have been learning about Spanish and learning the basics like Number, Greetings, Basic conversation and colours. There is a big difference when it comes to some things in Spanish, one of the main ones is the difference between masculine and Feminine. If a word is masculine it will have a "o" at the end but if it is feminine it will have an a, the word the  changes for male and female, the is los (Masculine) and las (Feminine). The numbers we have been learning as well, my favourite task was when we were given a phone number in Spanish and we had to translate it. 
1 - uno
2- dos
3- Tres
4- cuatro
5- cinco
6- seis
7- siete
8- ocho
9- nueve
10- diez

Colours- The colours are pretty easy to remember, 
Image result for spanish colours

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Impossible Burger

The Impossible Burger
The Impossible burger is a plant based patty that tastes looks and smells like the real thing. The new Impossible burger made by Impossible Foods is a completely plant based burger that is now available in many stores and fast food chains across the world. With 11% of the population being vegetarian it’s no wonder a company saw the opportunity and went for it. This isn’t the first burger the company has made, the first one was a little off, so now they have made another, this time a lot better than it was before.
Image result for the impossible burgerImage result for the impossible burger next to real burger

The new Impossible burger has a total of 240 calories and the old one has 210. The total fat of both burgers is 14 grams, nothing has changed there. The saturated fat however has gone up and now comes in at 8 grams, the original burger has 6. The sodium (salt) has gone up as well the new burger has a total of 37 grams of added salt and the old one has about 36 grams added to its burger, both of these are about 16 percent of your daily intake/ limit of salt.
The new impossible burger seems to always have a higher total of salt, calories and fat, but does this make it taste better and more like the real thing?

Would you try the impossible burger?

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Japanese Art and Traditions

Japanese Art and Traditions

In Inquiry we have been learning about Japanese Art and Traditions here is my presentation.


Friday, November 8, 2019


In inquiry we have been learning about the Inuits, they are a large group of people that live off the land in Canada, here are the questions we had to answer.Link

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


In Inquiry we have been learning about art and culture, we were assigned with Africa. We were set the task to make a Adobe Spark that showed a Culture/Tribe, the Animals they have, the art they make and who the people are.  We chose the tribe of Tuareg, a tribe that lives in the Sahara with about two million people.
Here is our finished project,
What do you think?
Would you want to go to Africa?

You might need to make an account.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ernest Shackleton Biography

Ernest Henry Shackleton was born on the 15th of February 1874 in Small town
Kilkea, Ireland. At a young age he joined the Merchant Navy and achieved first
mate at the age of 18. In 1907 he set off on his first mission the Nimrod, led by
British naval officer Robert Falcon Scott on the ship 'Discovery'. Shackleton and
Scott, along with one other were sent there for research and returned shortly after
due to illness.   
Shortly after getting home from his previous mission he was preparing and
training for the endurace, although he went through five years of prep and
planning not everything went to plan. Miles away from where they were
meant to land the ship sank and they were forced to board their life boats.
After another long journey they made it to the coast of Antarctica,  where they
lived on an ice floe. Just a few hundred miles from the pole they had to abandon their second mission because of yet more illness.

Friday, September 27, 2019


Every term we have a new inquiry this term we had the subject, the power of media, for this term I decided on Print media. We were each given a role to play and we had to all work together to come out with the end result which was our newspaper. I was the editor of the community section but I ended up assembling to Junior section. This term our inquiry went really well and everyone was involved. Here is the final Junior pages, what do you think of them?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Literacy Video Essay Draft

Literacy Video Essay Draft

How the Channel is being affected by Brexit-   
In 1972 Britain signed an agreement to join the EU;  just shy of 50 years later some are looking for a way out. Brexit.  Brexit, or Britain Exiting the EU waprops a proposal made by Teresa May on the 29th March 2017. If the majority of people voted for a change, Britain would no longer have the rights they have now. Nearly all of these are rights are in regard to Travel and the Trading of goods, this is where Britain would be affected most.  
On the 29th of March 2019 the government votes came in and Brexit didn’t go ahead. Most people were “Chuffed” Brexit didn’t happen, but what about the latter percentage that didn’t get their way?  

The Eurotunnel
The Eurotunnel was built in 1988 and ever since then it has really been a bonding point for the UK and the EU as a sign of their teamwork. Eurotunnel is a series of three tunnels that run under the Channel, would these become seperate French and English tunnels , who knows? What we do know is that at this moment in time you can stroll through and go to the other country but brexit would change that. Brexit would be a pain to any of the users of the Eurotunnel as they would have to show their passports and go through customs, which could take hours for some. This would be an annoyance for people with babies or truck drivers taking perishable items. They would have to get more parking spaces and lots more staff to deal with the influx of people held at the start of the tunnel. 
The company, Eurotunnel recently renamed Getlink has come out with a statement saying the Eurotunnel accounts for 26% of the goods trade between UK and Continetial Europe.  They say that if Brexit was to go ahead the Eurotunnel would rely on The UK and the EU to put “efficient” border controls that don’t result in delay. 
In the last year there has been noticeable, sharp slowdown in the usage of travel with the tunnels as well as a French officer strike. Both of these affected the operations of the Eurotunnel.  

Image result for fishermen
Since the signing connecting Britain to Europe in 1972 English fishermen have seemed to think they have drawn the short straw, they agreed that they would be able to fish all over their coastline as well as Scotland and Wales’, the French agreed that they could fish over their coast and slightly further on the British side of the channel then the British were allowed on theirs.  As of now the French have overfished in their areas and they are slowly coming closer and closer to the UK in search of fish, Fishermen believe that Brexit could change that.  
Lots of fishermen are also catching dead or already caught fish with hook holes in them.  With the recent limits on how much fish they are allowed to catch this can be even more annoying. English Fishermen say that Brexit could help change this and push the French out of their waters. 

At the moment the english Channel is divided into two parts, one for ships traveling up the channel towards the Netherlands and the other heading down towards Spain. Brexit would make these become the English side and the French side. This would make it very difficult to get all the ships through and a right hassle for the already stressed Captains. Not only are they affected by space, they are also affected in the speed it takes to ship things. No longer will they be able to easily bring goods from one side of the Channel to the other, they will have to apply for customs or else they can’t ship goods. These would cause yet more delays which would have knock on effects for people relying on the constant stream of supplies. 

Brexit has divided a Nation, if it were to go ahead there would be people upset and some celebrating. For most people it would spring forth a major inconvenience for traveling, trading or receiving goods.  Although it could benefit the fishermen what good is fish to them if the transport is delayed and rots in the Eurotunnel or the Ship before it even reaches France. More people will be affected negatively than positively.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Plus who knows what Britain has in store now Teresa is out of Power?

The Tunnel
The Fisherman
Captains of the Boats
Linking The Tunnel and the Captains together through trade.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Is Artificial Intelligence Going to Kill us?

Robots can help us with our everyday lives especially to those of us that have a
disability or problem, they can create new things and go solely off facts. They
can make our lives easier or on the latter make our world a mess.  

Robots are slowly getting smarter and smarter but is this affecting us?
They are learning to do new jobs and even learning to code themselves through
algorithms. They take our jobs and are quite frankly better at it than we are. But
if they take all jobs what can we do? There are many high labor jobs that are
already taken over by robots, like sorting on the internet. They sort through
thousands and thousands of images and words looking for the one thing we
searched for. But the problem is we have no idea how they do it and we are
having to rely on them - When was the last time you found a fact that wasn’t on
google? But all it takes is one malfunction and they leave us in the dark. 
Take google maps, when you put something in it calculates a route that takes
you where you want quickly. What if Siri was having a bad day and she took
you into the sea when you just wanted to go for dinner. We aren't paying
attention and are right on track to creating a world run by robots. 

We can keep robots in our lives but we shouldn’t let them take over and do all
our jobs, we need to keep them under a tight leash.

What do you think about robots are they good or are they going to hurt us?

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cell Phones in The Classroom Debate Reflection

Cell Phones in The Classroom Debate Reflection
In Literacy we have been learning about debating, we were sent away to research on our topic and then had to come in and have a debate. Our topic was Cell Phones in the class, we were split into teams, my team was why we shouldn't have them in the classroom. We found lots of evidence that backed up our argument, then we prepared our points, nominated our speakers and the debate began.  

The Positives- Things like our research went really well, we came up with lots of points that backed up our argument, our speakers did a really good job as well, they spoke with clear and confident voices and delivered some powerful points. 
The Negatives- Although we had lots of strong points in our speech we lacked in our defense statements. When the other group made a good point we weren't prepped with a come back, next time this would be something we could focus and work on. 
Our group ended up winning our debate but there is lots of room for improvement. 

I think that phones shouldn't be in the classroom unless there are some strong rules in place. Cell phones can lower your grades and distract you and others, so I think it's best we don't have them next to us, rather we could put them in a box at the front of the room.  
Image result for phone

What do you think about Cell phones in the class?
Do they Distract?
Do they Lower you're grades?

Friday, July 5, 2019

Wonderful Wearable Arts

Wonderful Wearable Arts 

Yesterday we had a Wearable Arts Show with the main idea of plastic. This term we have been learning about the problems plastic is causing and how we need to act fast. We then had to make a outfit that represents the thing that hit home the most. We decided to make a whale that was being killed by the micro plastics and plastics they eat. Here is our speech and some photos of the night:

A Whale of a Problem 
Imagine. A world without plastic. Imagine.  Crisp, fresh air. Imagine. Clear waterways.
Imagine, the fish thriving once more.  I find it sad that we now have to imagine all these
aspects of life that should come as a natural part of our world.  Yet that life is since long
gone, and we are now faced with a new life, that could kill everything in its path with
one single material.  Plastic.
Plastic, and recently microplastics are the biggest problem that marine life faces, even
the biggest creatures in the ocean, the whales can’t face the ever growing plastic that
surrounds them.
Our dress reflects what is happening to the marine life.  The small splatters on the skirt
and the top represent the microplastics that  are slowly killing the whales, along with
the creatures around them. An estimated one million birds and 100,000 marine
mammals and sea turtles die each year when they become trapped in plastic or eat it. 
Everything that these outfits are made of are found in our oceans. We need to do
something about it. This could be the cause of extinction of the whales as we know it,
and it is all because of us.  

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Frankenstein Vocab Volume 2 Chapter 5

Frankenstein Vocab Volume 2 Chapter 5
Conjectured - Ch.13 : I conjectured, therefore,that he found on the paper signs
My meaning: An opinion, that you need to say.

Recommencing -Ch.13:Felix replied in a cheerful accent, and the old man was
recommencing his music when someone tapped at the door.
My meaning: To cause again.

Countenance - Ch.13 :but I generally found that her countenance and tone were more
cheerful after...
My meaning: Presence of the face and body.

Articulate - Ch.13 :their experience and feelings to one another by articulate
My meaning: A great way of speaking, a very detailed way.

Endeavouring - Ch.13 : that she was endeavouring to learn their language; and the
My meaning: Intending and trying.

Occupations - Ch.13: of doors, and the girl in various laborious occupations within.
My meaning: An occupation or job.

Cadence - Ch.13: She sang, and her voice flowed in a rich cadence...
My meaning: A beautiful way of speech.

Enraptured - Ch.13: The old man appeared enraptured and said some words.
My meaning: Good Infatuation.

Ceased - Ch.13 :bloodshed, my wonder ceased and I turned away with disgust and
My meaning: To come to an end.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Frankenstein Vocab Volume 2 Chapter 3

Frankenstein Vocab Chapters                       Volume 2 Chapter 3

Immutable - Ch.10 (Vol 2, Ch. 3) : working of immutable laws,
Our Meaning: Not changing at all..
Sentence: Her rules were immutable.

Congregated - Ch.10 (Vol 2, Ch. 3) :They congregated round me;
Our Meaning: To gather.
Sentence : We all congregated in the living room.

Sombre - Ch.10 (Vol 2, Ch. 3):but they are sombre and add an air of severity to the scene.
Our Meaning: Dull, serious.
Sentence : There was a sombre feeling in the room.

Dissipated - Ch.10 (Vol 2, Ch. 3) :Presently a breeze dissipated the cloud,
Our Meaning: Dissolved, got rid of.
Correct Meaning: overindulging in sensual pleasures.
Sentence : He had dissipated behavior.

Perpendicular - Ch.10 (Vol 2, Ch. 3) :The opposite mountain is a bare perpendicular rock.
Our Meaning: Angle
Sentence : The tree was perpendicular.

Abhorred - Ch.10 (Vol 2, Ch. 3) : ‘Abhorred monster! Fiend that thou art!
Our Meaning: Disgusted, disgusting.
Sentence : “The bathroom is absolutely abhorred!”

Satiated - Ch.10 (Vol 2, Ch. 3) : until it be satiated with the blood of your remaining friends.’
Our Meaning: Satisfy
Sentence : The food critic was satiated.
Virtuous - Ch.10 (Vol 2, Ch. 3) :and I shall again be virtuous.’
Our Meaning: Good mannered.
Sentence : He was Virtuous.

Entreaties - Ch.10 (Vol 2, Ch. 3) :Will no entreaties cause thee to turn a favourable eye upon thy creature,
Our Meaning: A plea or a request.
Sentence : He had a entreaties.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Frankenstein Vocab Chapter 9-10

Frankenstein Vocab Chapters 9-10
Benevolent Ch9: I had begun life with benevolent intentions and thirsted for the moment when I should
put them in practice and make myself useful to my fellow beings.
Our definition: Kind
My sentence: He was a benevolent soul.

Perceptible Ch9:My father observed with pain the alteration perceptible in my disposition and habits
and endeavoured…..
Our definition: Seeing or unable to see.
My sentence: He found it perceptible.

Augment Ch9:‘but is it not a duty to the survivors that we should refrain from augmenting their
unhappiness by an appearance of immoderate grief?
Our definition: To make great or bigger.
My sentence: He augmented the situation more than it had to be.

Abhorrence Ch9:My abhorrence of this fiend cannot be conceived.
Our definition: Revolting, disgusting or gross.
My sentence: The toilets were a scene of abhorrence.

Sublime Ch9:But it was augmented and rendered sublime by the mighty Alps, whose...
Our definition: Excellent.
My sentence: The sight was truly sublime.

Malignity Ch10:tenance bespoke bitter anguish, combined with disdain and malignity, while...
Our definition: Unhappiness and distress.
My sentence: The malignity he force on the people was shocking.

Contempt Ch10: Felix rejected his offers with contempt, yet when he saw the lovely Safie….
Our definition: Worthless, unworthy.
My sentence: She felt contempt, from all the bullying and distress she has experienced.

Spurn Ch10: Yet you, my creator, detest and spurn me, thy creature, to whom thou art bound by
ties only dissoluble by the annihilation of one of us.
Our definition: Avoid, or shut out.
My sentence: My former friends spurn me.

Ignominy Ch9: and that consoles me, going as I am to suffer ignominy and death.’
Our definition: Pain and disgrace.
My sentence:

Render Ch9: Have we lost the power of rendering you happy?
Our definition: Classified.

My sentence: I render you as a crazy person.