
Monday, July 29, 2019

Cell Phones in The Classroom Debate Reflection

Cell Phones in The Classroom Debate Reflection
In Literacy we have been learning about debating, we were sent away to research on our topic and then had to come in and have a debate. Our topic was Cell Phones in the class, we were split into teams, my team was why we shouldn't have them in the classroom. We found lots of evidence that backed up our argument, then we prepared our points, nominated our speakers and the debate began.  

The Positives- Things like our research went really well, we came up with lots of points that backed up our argument, our speakers did a really good job as well, they spoke with clear and confident voices and delivered some powerful points. 
The Negatives- Although we had lots of strong points in our speech we lacked in our defense statements. When the other group made a good point we weren't prepped with a come back, next time this would be something we could focus and work on. 
Our group ended up winning our debate but there is lots of room for improvement. 

I think that phones shouldn't be in the classroom unless there are some strong rules in place. Cell phones can lower your grades and distract you and others, so I think it's best we don't have them next to us, rather we could put them in a box at the front of the room.  
Image result for phone

What do you think about Cell phones in the class?
Do they Distract?
Do they Lower you're grades?

Friday, July 5, 2019

Wonderful Wearable Arts

Wonderful Wearable Arts 

Yesterday we had a Wearable Arts Show with the main idea of plastic. This term we have been learning about the problems plastic is causing and how we need to act fast. We then had to make a outfit that represents the thing that hit home the most. We decided to make a whale that was being killed by the micro plastics and plastics they eat. Here is our speech and some photos of the night:

A Whale of a Problem 
Imagine. A world without plastic. Imagine.  Crisp, fresh air. Imagine. Clear waterways.
Imagine, the fish thriving once more.  I find it sad that we now have to imagine all these
aspects of life that should come as a natural part of our world.  Yet that life is since long
gone, and we are now faced with a new life, that could kill everything in its path with
one single material.  Plastic.
Plastic, and recently microplastics are the biggest problem that marine life faces, even
the biggest creatures in the ocean, the whales can’t face the ever growing plastic that
surrounds them.
Our dress reflects what is happening to the marine life.  The small splatters on the skirt
and the top represent the microplastics that  are slowly killing the whales, along with
the creatures around them. An estimated one million birds and 100,000 marine
mammals and sea turtles die each year when they become trapped in plastic or eat it. 
Everything that these outfits are made of are found in our oceans. We need to do
something about it. This could be the cause of extinction of the whales as we know it,
and it is all because of us.