
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Frankenstein Vocab Chapter 9-10

Frankenstein Vocab Chapters 9-10
Benevolent Ch9: I had begun life with benevolent intentions and thirsted for the moment when I should
put them in practice and make myself useful to my fellow beings.
Our definition: Kind
My sentence: He was a benevolent soul.

Perceptible Ch9:My father observed with pain the alteration perceptible in my disposition and habits
and endeavoured…..
Our definition: Seeing or unable to see.
My sentence: He found it perceptible.

Augment Ch9:‘but is it not a duty to the survivors that we should refrain from augmenting their
unhappiness by an appearance of immoderate grief?
Our definition: To make great or bigger.
My sentence: He augmented the situation more than it had to be.

Abhorrence Ch9:My abhorrence of this fiend cannot be conceived.
Our definition: Revolting, disgusting or gross.
My sentence: The toilets were a scene of abhorrence.

Sublime Ch9:But it was augmented and rendered sublime by the mighty Alps, whose...
Our definition: Excellent.
My sentence: The sight was truly sublime.

Malignity Ch10:tenance bespoke bitter anguish, combined with disdain and malignity, while...
Our definition: Unhappiness and distress.
My sentence: The malignity he force on the people was shocking.

Contempt Ch10: Felix rejected his offers with contempt, yet when he saw the lovely Safie….
Our definition: Worthless, unworthy.
My sentence: She felt contempt, from all the bullying and distress she has experienced.

Spurn Ch10: Yet you, my creator, detest and spurn me, thy creature, to whom thou art bound by
ties only dissoluble by the annihilation of one of us.
Our definition: Avoid, or shut out.
My sentence: My former friends spurn me.

Ignominy Ch9: and that consoles me, going as I am to suffer ignominy and death.’
Our definition: Pain and disgrace.
My sentence:

Render Ch9: Have we lost the power of rendering you happy?
Our definition: Classified.

My sentence: I render you as a crazy person.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Personification Of Autumn

Personification of Autumn
The lime green leaves turned a golden shade of orange as she slowly paced past them.
Leaves and twigs crunched below her feet, sending soft, echoing sounds into the thick
trees.  The ground slowly changes to a gravel path and the trees become more evenly
spaced. In the distance a small house, with a thatched roof and exposed timber beams.
This girl had arrived at summer’s door, banging her fists of fury against it.  
The door of summers gives in. Crisp leaves fly through the air as the figure waltzes
towards the kitchen, she reaches for a steel saucepan and fills it with water, the rushing
sounds ricochet off the walls and around the house. She tosses the water into the
burning fire of summer, smothering it. Almost immediately a harsh chill envelopes
the woods, harsh winds whistle and blow.  The door closes with a slam.

The brunette leisurely strolls through the woods,  she wears a beige white blouse,
light brown pants and a deep brown trench coat. Just like King Midas and Elsa
everything she touches changes, the leaves on the floor and trees morph to brilliant
shades of brown, orange and gold.
There is a ruckus as she releases birds from the trees, they fly to far away lands in
search of a warm spring. As they flap their wings orange leaves fall; creating a pile of
debris on the floor. She plucks a scarf from the air and wraps it around her neck, like an
animal growing a thick winter coat.

The Queen of the conkers has made her arrival, nature has changed and she is testing
its survival.

Autumn Personification Poem.
Autumn had come and she was in full swing,
Migrating birds had taken wing,
Animals begin to grow their winter coat,
Leaves fall into the lake and away they float,
Conkers and twigs fall from the trees,
All of this enveloped by a cool autumn breeze.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Frankenstein Vocab Chapter 8

Frankenstein Vocab Chapter 8 
Here are my Frankenstein vocab words for this week:
Frankenstein Vocab                                       Chapter 8
Mockery - Ch.8 :During the whole of this wretched
mockery of justice I suffered living torture.
What we think it means: To mock or not take seriously.
My sentence: He was depressed from all the mockery.

Ignominious - Ch.8 :Justine
also was a girl of merit and possessed qualities which promised to render
her life happy; now all was to be obliterated
in an ignominious grave, and I the cause!
What we think it means: Shame.
My Sentence: She took the Ignominious defeat.

Exculpated - Ch.8 :but I was absent when it was committed,and such a
declaration would have been considered as the ravings of a madman and
would not have exculpated her who suffered through me.
What we think it means: Included, with wrongdoing.
My Sentence: If not for me I would not have Exculpated her.

Countenance - Ch.8 :She was dressed in mourning, and her countenance,
always engaging, was rendered, by the solemnity of her feelings,
exquisitely beautiful.
What we think it means: Expression.
My Sentence: His Countenance was fearful.

Indignation - Ch.8 : she had placed round his neck, a murmur of horror
and indignation filled the court.
What we think it means: Dictatorship.
My Sentence: Indignation was the only thing on his mind.

Conjecture - Ch.8 :I am only left to conjecture concerning the probabilities
by which it might have been placed in my pocket.
What we think it means: Speak an opinion or thought.
My Sentence: My conjecture depends on this man's death.
Wantonly - Ch.8 :But here also I am checked. I believe that I have no
enemy on earth, and none surely would have been so wicked as to
destroy me wantonly.
What we think it means: A deliberate way.
My Sentence: They wantonly dealt damage to the car.  

Approbation - Ch.8 :A murmur of approbation followed Elizabeth’s
simple and powerful appeal, but it was excited by her generous.
What we think it means: Admiration.  
My Sentence:  It was his way of showing approbation.

Guile - Ch.8 :Her mild eyes seemed incapable of any severity or guile,
and yet she has committed a murder.’
What we think it means: Slyness.
My Sentence: They used Guile to get away with murder.

Absolution - Ch.8 :‘I did confess, but I confessed a lie. I confessed, that
I might obtain absolution;
What we think it means: Punishment.

My Sentence: The boys would have to deal with the absolution.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Frozen Adventures

Frozen Adventures 
Hi readers,
In literacy we have been looking at using things like similes and metaphors naturally and properly. We then had to make a story called Frozen Adventures, this had to include similes and metaphors. Here is the story I created:

The harsh, howling winds smack against my face like fish.My hands shake as I insert my
ice pick into the snow, slowly I pull my body weight upwards, before thrusting my other pick
“Hurrrrrrry up”, The Russian tour guide yells from above, looking down at me, a smirk
appears on his face. Well you live here, I say in my head.
If only these waterproof gloves weren’t as thick, because, believe me I would give him
the bird. My ice toothpick slips from my hand, it seems as if all my hope from before has
gone down with it. I’m hanging on the hill with one hand and an ice pick, the snow beneath
my right foot begins to shift. The mountain comes to life, shifting with my every move.
I let out a little scream, I slip, falling- wait no, more like sliding down the snow.
After a minute of terror, my feet hit a solid ground and my knees lock I fall onto my back.
An overgrown koala bear roars in the distance.
“Great”, I say. Even the polar bears are taunting me.  

At least 30 minutes later we reach the research camp at the top of the hill, in front of me a
plethora of bare, skinny pine trees. I walk forward, the thick ice samples I’m carrying pull me
back. The research camp is right in front of me, big concrete buildings and huts form a wide
circle scattered amongst the trees. In the center a large gathering of people  arguing, I stifle
a giggle; they were a group of penguins. Slowly I walk past, not making eye contact and
trying not to draw attention. I pull a key out of my pocket and ram it into the door, like a
burglar trying to get into a bank. I push it open. There’s sadly no money and gold inside,
instead: Computers, for research; freezers, for ice samples; drills and other tools, ready
to use; and coat racks everywhere. I pull the plate like slab of ice onto the metal table and
switch on the lights.

I rub my hand across the frosty windows trying to see what is outside, as I wipe the window,
daggers fall from the gutter outside stabbing into the enemy that is, the floor.
I peer out the window and spot the rest of my co-workers sitting down chatting in the snow.
My eyes narrow and my teeth grind, my emotions take over with a rush.
I storm out the door and power walk towards everyone sitting down, my hands forming fists
at my sides.
“Do you really thing you have the right to sit down doing nothing!” I say louder than I imagined.
“I have worked my butt off today and-”
“You also hurt your butt today”, interrupts a man with a thick, beard and skin as pale as
the snow behind him. My anger is quickly replaced with embarrassment, how on earth did they find out?
“Well…”, I murmur, face turning red.  “I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO GOT THE ICE SAMPLE,
all look at me blankly for a moment, I felt like an idiot.
“Well lets see this ‘brilliant’ ice sample”, a ginger girl says doing air quote marks with her
“Lets”, I reply.

Our feet crunch in the snow as we walk towards the window looking into the storage room.
I lean over the window sill and squint through the glass. I look back from the window and but
by head in my hands... I forgot to put it in the freezer.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Frankenstein Vocab

Frankenstein Vocab                                                        Ch 5-7
In literacy we are reading Frankenstein, every week we have been doing vocab words. Mr G sets us words for the week, we then have to: find it in the book, write the sentence around around it, guess the definition and finally copy down the dictionary definition. Here are my words for the week:

Frankenstein Vocab                                                                    Ch 5-7
Odious- Ch 6 - He looks upon study as an odious fetter; his time is spent
in the open air, climbing the hills or rowing on the lake.
-Our guessed meaning: Strange and horrible.
-Dictionary Definition: extremely unpleasant; repulsive.

Irreparable- Ch 7 - ‘I can offer you no consolation, my friend,’ said he;
‘your disaster is irreparable. What do you intend to do?’
-Our guessed meaning: Unable to be repaired or fixed.
-Dictionary Definition: Impossible to rectify or repair.

Docile- Ch 6 - M. Krempe was not equally docile; and in my condition
at that time, of almost insupportable sensitiveness, his harsh, blunt encomiums
‘D—n the fellow!’ cried he.gave me even more pain than the benevolent
approbation of M. Waldman.
-Our guessed meaning: Submissive or willing to go along with others’ actions
-Dictionary Definition: ready to accept control or instruction; submissive

Placid- Ch 7 - I contemplated the lake: the waters were placid;
all around was calm; and the snowy mountains, ‘the pal-
aces of nature,’ were not changed.
-Our guessed meaning: Calm, relaxed.
-Dictionary Definition: not easily upset or excited.

Dirge- Ch 7 - I clasped my hands, and exclaimed aloud,
‘William, dear angel! this is thy funeral, this thy dirge!’
-Our guessed meaning: Someone’s funeral
-Dictionary Definition: A a lament for the dead,
especially one forming part of a funeral rite.

Delirium- Ch 7-I remembered also the nervous fever with which I had been
seized just at the time that I dated my creation, and which
would give an air of delirium to a tale otherwise so utterly improbable.
-Our guessed meaning: Someone or something in a crazy state of mind
-Dictionary Definition:  Acutely disturbed state of mind characterized by
restlessness, illusions, and incoherence, occurring in intoxication, fever,
and other disorders

Depravity-Ch 7- I had rather have been forever ignorant than
have discovered so much depravity and ingratitude in one I valued so highly.’
-Our guessed meaning: Corrupted, and ungrateful.
-Dictionary Definition: Moral corruption; wickedness.

Candor- Ch 7-“There was the same candor, the same vivacity,
but it was allied to an expression more full of sensibility and intellect.”
-Our guessed meaning: Being honest with someone
-Dictionary Definition: The quality of being open and honest; frankness.

Alleviate- Ch 7- “You come to us now to share a misery which nothing
can Alleviate;”
-Our guessed meaning: Get rid of, make something better
-Dictionary Definition: make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe

Amiable- Ch 7- “He must have been a noble creature in his better days,
being even now in wreck so attractive and Amiable”
-Our guessed meaning: Friendly, or nice.

-Dictionary Definition: Having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Dialogue Practice

Dialogue Practice 
Hi readers, in literacy we have been learning about dialogue, we had to make a story about Jay and Chris going on holiday. Here is what I came up with, the first one is about their travel plans and the second one is them packing. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Maths at Marshland

Maths at Marshland

In math today we were learning about shapes and the difference between Trapezoids and Trapeziums, we then had to make a poster. Here is what I came up with: