
Monday, March 25, 2019

Narrative Story Structure

 Narrative Story Structure 
Hi readers, today in literacy we made story structure plans for a narratives we are going to write. My story is about a very ill girl who is telling her friend about all the scars she had as well as how she got them. The story is told through the story of each scar, its about how her and her friends found a dead body. I have made two story structure plans; one for the stories of the scars and one for the bones of the story with the girl in the hospital bed.  
What do you think?

Obliterate Comic Strip

Obliterate Comic Strip 
Hi readers, in literacy last week we made a DLO for one of our vocab words; the word I chose was obliterate, here is a comic strip that I made about the word obliterate. The sentence I based my comic strip on  was "My fart obliterated the city." 
Let me know what you think...

Friday, March 15, 2019

Character Building Mind Mup

Character Building Mind Mup 

In literacy we each made a mind mup on character building, here is my mind mup  for my next narrative. Let me know what you think, is their anything I could change. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Emaciated Wort Art

Hello readers. In literacy today we did some vocabulary work from the book that we are currently reading; Frankenstein. One of the words that we researched was emaciated. Emaciated means thin, weak and malnourished. Here is a word art that I have put together with synonyms for the word emaciated.

Are there any other words that you think I have missed out on?
Let me know!

Friday, March 1, 2019

Wonderful Word Art

Wonderful Word Art
To help with vocabulary I made three word arts with commonly overused words. The three words I chose are Plus, Worry and Other. 
Are there any other words that could mean the same thing??
Let me know.