
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Science Explanation

Science Explanation 

At school, for this past term we have been doing science. We had to do our experiment and then write and explanation about it. Here is my explanation, let me know your favorite memory and what you learnt. 

The main science behind it is the verbal memory aid,  known as mnemonic. Mnemonic is a system you can use with your memory to sort ideas, patterns, letters and associations of a word to remember things.  So if someone said to remember a hat, your mnemonic system would be thinking of words that you would associate with it to remember the word. For example head. Now when you think of head you are reminded of the word to remember, hat. That’s how you can help your hippo campus to remember things.
Image result for brain
Your hippo campus is in the stem of your brain, it is basically the control center of your memories. It is located within the brains medial temporal lobe, the hippo campus is used mainly with memory.  
So the word you were told to remember is stored in the hippo campus and triggered by the associated words or sayings but what does the brain do to actually retrieve your memory?

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

A Flying Teabag

Tea Bag Rocket Experiment.
In literacy we had to write an explanation on an experiment that we did. Flying tea bags.
Here is my explanation:

Did you know that if you light a tea bag on fire it will fly up into the air ;however, it has to be done
a certain way. Here is why and how that happens.
Image result for tea bagThe main word to remember is density. This is when something is lighter and less dense
or heavier and far more dense. The tea bag burns downwards because it’s looking for the easiest
molecules to burn. When you light the top of the tea bag on fire (when it is standing upright) the
air inside the tea bag it becomes hot and less dense. Because of this the cold air around it rushes
to the bottom.  The less dense hot air, still inside the tea bag rises because of the cold air pushing
it upwards.
Image result for tea bag on fire           
The hot air rises and flies into the air just like a hot air balloon. This is a very cool reaction and a very easy to do.  

This was my explanation on flying tea bags.
Please let me know in the comments some feedback about my language and punctuation!